Aggiornamento- FOXCONN: la fabbrica che produce gli iPAD dove i lavoratori minacciano suicidio di massa.
Dozens of workers assembling Xbox video game consoles climbed to a factory dormitory roof, and some threatened to jump to their deaths, in a dispute over jobs that was defused but highlights growing labour unrest as China's economy slows.
The dispute boiled over last week after contract manufacturer Foxconn Technology Group said it would close the production line for Microsoft Corp.’s (MSFT-Q27.780.060.22%) Xbox 360 consoles at its plant in the central city of Wuhan and transfer some workers to other jobs, workers and Foxconn said Thursday.
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Workers reached by telephone said Foxconn initially offered severance pay for those that wanted to leave rather than be transferred, but then reneged, angering the workers; Foxconn, in a statement, said transfers were offered, not severance, and only to some workers.
The workers climbed to the top of the six-storey dormitory on Jan. 3 and threatened to jump before Wuhan city officials persuaded them to desist and return to work, according to the workers and accounts online. The workers gave varying estimates of the numbers involved in the strike, from 80 to 200, and photos posted online showed dozens of people crowding the roof of the boxy concrete building.
“Actually none of them were going to jump. They were there for the compensation. But the government and the company officials were just as afraid, because if even one of them jumped, the consequences would be hard to imagine,” said Wang Jungang, an equipment engineer in the Xbox production line, who left the plant earlier this month.
The fracas is the latest labour trouble to hit Foxconn, a unit of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. that makes iPads and iPhones for Apple Inc. (AAPL-Q420.89-1.66-0.39%) as well as Xboxes and other gadgets, helping consumer electronics brands hold down costs. Its massive China plants are run with military-like discipline, which labor rights activists say contributed to spate of suicides in 2010.
Foxconn said that it offered transfers to some workers at current pay, without elaborating on what others were offered. It said that 150 demanded severance and not all of them participated in the rooftop protest. “It is our understanding that certain individuals threatened to jump from the building if their demands were not met,” the statement said.
Strikes and other job actions have risen in recent months across China as factories cope with rising costs, scarce credit and declining orders from Europe, the United States and domestic companies. Complicating matters is the approaching Lunar New Year, a time when many of the migrant workers who man factories quit jobs to return home temporarily before looking for better paying employment.
Foxconn's Wuhan plant employs 32,000 people. The site previously had a couple of suicides or attempted ones a couple years back, prompting the government to take over the operations of the dormitories, said Wang, the equipment engineer.
After the rooftop protest, Microsoft said in a statement that it investigated, finding that the dispute centered on Foxconn's staffing and transfer policies, not working conditions. “After the protest, the majority of workers chose to return to work. A smaller portion of those employees elected to resign, the statement said.
Ultimately, Foxconn said, 45 of the employees resigned from the company while the rest chose to stay. It did not say whether the resigning workers were given compensation. Mr. Wang, the engineer, said he received $4,700 (30,000 yuan) in compensation but that was because his supervisor helped him.
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How They Are Struggling with Suicides in China (3 pics) -
After a series of suicides at the Foxconn factory in China, the company started to deal with it seriously. Take a look how they are doing it exactly after the jump.Tutta la verità su Foxconn, la fabbrica di iPad e “dei suicidi”: 51 centesimi all’ora all’operaio, 6.1 miliardi a Steve Jobs | Mela Marcia
Tutta la verità su Foxconn, la fabbrica di iPad e “dei suicidi”: 51 centesimi all’ora all’operaio, 6.1 miliardi a Steve Jobs Pubblicato il 7 marzo 2011 da enrico Foxconn, dove si costruiscono iPad e iPhone (oltre ai prodotti Dell e Hp), è la più grande fabbrica di componenti elettroniche: un “mostro” da 61 miliardi di dollari. Dal 27 maggio 16 persone hanno tentato il suicidio: 12 sono morte. Il 10 del mese è il giorno mogliore degli operai di iPad e iPhone: prendono la paga. 130 dollari per 240 ore di lavoro. Pari a 51 centesimi all’ora. Chi lavora per Apple lavorava 70 ore alla settimana, ma – dopo le polemiche e i morti – il monte ore si è abbassato a 60 ore settimanali (sempre per 51 centesimi all’ora), mentre secondo Forbes Mister Gou (di Foxconn) ricava un valore netto di 5.5 miliardi di dollari e Steve Jobs (Ceo di Apple) pari a 6.1 miliardi di dollari. Operaie a Foxconn: 51 centesimi all’ora Secondo Reuters, Foxconn sta investendo qualcosa nell’ordine di 10 miliardi di dollari per realizzare un nuovo impianto a Chengdu. Lontando da Longhua, il suburb dell’industriale Shenzhen. Perché? “Foxconn is expanding…to where wages are lower and workers more plentiful.” Continua ZdNet: “Do we Americans really need our electronic toys so much, we’re willing to look away when our fellow human beings are dying from the pressure they’re placed under to, essentially, live the lives of slaves?”. Se un iPad di fascia bassa fosse costruito negli Usa da un operaio da 15 e passa dollari all’ora, non costerebbe 499 dollari come invece è a scaffale, bensì 14.970 dollari: più di una Fiat 500. Nessuno lo comprerebbe a quel prezzo, e nessuno potrebbe permettersi un notebook da 23.970 dollari o uno smartphone da 5.970 dollari. Per avere i nostri “gadget hi-tech” preferiti, la globalizzazione è essenziale. Ma a quale prezzo umano? E qual è la via giusta per evitare l’inferno in terra per offrire il tecno-paradiso a un Geek occidentale come noi? Qui è il nodo gordiano, da sciogliere quanto prima: quando compriamo consumer electronics, diamo una buona e una cattiva notizia. La buona notizia è che diamo un piatto da mangiare a qualcuno nel mondo, lontano da casa nostra. La cattiva notizia è che ci sporchiamo le mani con il sangue di chi ha lavorato quel gadget allo sfinimento e forse al suicidio. “That’s our world”. Che fare? Mirella Castigli