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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

La NATO non ha mai visto le fabbbriche di bambini schiavi che producono per MICROSOFT? Sono solo Arabi i regimi dispotici?
Slaves at Chinese Factory That Produces for Microsoft (17 pics) -
NLA made a report about the working environment in Chinese company KYE which manufactures products for Microsoft: gamepads, mice, keyboards. Report shows facts about KYE’s employees treated there as slaves. The staff is working for 90 hours per week, receiving 52 cents per hour (about 200 dollars a month), they are forbidden to talk to each other, to go to the bathroom during working hours (which makes a 15-hour shift) and to leave the factory. They live in dormitories, 14 people in a room, they are beaten and female workers are very often sexually harassed by security guards and many more. The employees say that they don’t have a life, they have only work. They sleep, get up very early, go to work, come back and go to sleep. And this circle never stops until they decide to leave the factory or to flee.   Photos from the report NLA:    There is not enough room inside the factories’ premises, in a workshop of 100 by 100 feet, can work about 1000 workers, air-conditioning is turned on only during visits to the superiors or customers.
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Slaves at Chinese Factory That Produces for Microsoft (17 pics)

Slaves at Chinese Factory That Produces for Microsoft (17 pics) -
The workers say the food is terrible, and they should pay it from their pocket. They can go outside but as they don’t have the right to wear KYE uniforms outside the factory they don’t have much time as well to change, go out, buy lunch, eat it and come back to work. They have special “food cards” to pay for the factory food, if a worker buys a month card, he is “rewarded” with free treats two times a month. Usually, it is a fruit or a chicken leg.
Slaves at Chinese Factory That Produces for Microsoft (17 pics) -
When workers make mistakes or drop products on the floor, they are punished. As punishment, they are humiliated in front of their friends and co-workers or forced to clean the bathrooms.   To "shower," workers use a small plastic bucket with hot water to have a sponge bath. The lights are out at 11 p.m.
Slaves at Chinese Factory That Produces for Microsoft (17 pics) -
From NLA report: Even when workers are on leave and not working,  factory management restricts their freedom of movement: Workers can only leave the factory compound during regulated periods: On weekdays, Monday through Saturday:                11:00 a.m. to 12 noon On weekday evenings, Monday through Saturday:   6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. On Sundays:                                                                7:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.

IHS Child Slave Labor News :: Investigating Child Slave Labor
Investigating Child Slave Labor by John Mollica October 2008 Although our modern American society respects the rights of children through various labor laws, Child Slave Labor is still ever more present in our world today. This cruel and unjust reality can be seen in various industries which produce goods that are sitting on the shelves on many stores across the United States such as the clothing industry, the cocoa harvesting agricultural industry as well as the toy manufacturing industry. Children across the world are being mistreated and deprived of an education as they work long and grueling hours in factories earning either nothing or very little money. It is our responsibility to become educated on this pressing issue which affects our modern American society in many ways, mainly through our consumption of child slave-produced goods. Recently, discoveries have been made through undercover investigations proving that well known United States companies such as Gap, Inc. which includes Old Navy, Banana Republic and The Gap, all of which are clothing stores, sell garments made at sweat shops in which children are the main source of labor. As Dan Mcdougall reports in his article for “The Observer,” innocent children are forced to work in rough conditions and long hours to produce clothing for Gap Kids: Amitosh concentrates as he pulls the loops of thread through tiny plastic beads and sequins on the toddler’s blouse he is making. Dripping with sweat, his hair is thinly coated in dust... The hand-embroidered garment on which his tiny needle is working bears the distinctive logo of international fashion chain Gap. Amitosh is 10... Sold into bonded labour by his family... Amitosh works 16 hours a day hand-sewing clothing. Beside him on a wooden stool are his only belongings: a tattered comic, a penknife, a plastic comb and a torn blanket with an elephant motif. (Mcdougall) Through this description, Mcdougall uncovers the distinct reality that is child slave labor by exposing the personal story of Amitosh, a child slave working at a Gap Kids factory located in New Delhi, India. Despite Gap’s efforts in 2004 to abolish all child slave labor producing factories making clothing for their various chains, abusive subcontractors who continue to try and lower their cost of production to meet the strong demands for cheap clothing from the west still use cheap child slave labor. In Amitosh’s case, the factory in which he and many other children work “ is smeared in filth, the corridors flowing with excrement from a flooded toilet ” (Mcdougall). Working conditions in factories such as this are obviously subservient to the high demand from the west for new, cost-efficient products. After hearing the stories of innocent children like Amitosh, it is the duty of the American public in conjuncture with Gap, Inc. to become aware of and subsequently abolish all factories producing goods destined for shelves in Gap’s clothing stores across the United States. The Ivory Coast, located in West Africa is the source of about half of the world’s production of cocoa, the main ingredient in the delectable indulgence loved by many, chocolate. “ The International Labour Organization, part of the UN, estimates 284,000 child laborers work on cocoa farms [in the Ivory Coast]... ‘These [children] are either involved in hazardous work, unprotected or unfree, or have been trafficked,’ says the ILO ” (Orr). The chocolate that we buy in our local stores bearing the names of Nestlé, Mars, and Hershey all import cocoa cultivated in the Ivory Coast. Whether or not this cocoa came from an indirect third party, as many of the executives of these companies claim, it is still highly probable that their cocoa is being produced by children slaves in the Ivory Coast. Americans have already responded negatively after learning of the prominent child labor force in the cocoa farming industry. Various lawsuits have been filed against chocolate companies that import their cocoa from the Ivory Coast such as Nestlé. With a workforce of about 284,000 child slaves, many of which were tricked into working on these cocoa farms, the pro-active lawsuits against such companies were much needed. A particular lawsuit against Nestlé “claims that the three plaintiffs were taken from their homes at 14, beaten, threatened with torture and forced to work up to 14 hours a day, six days a week, with only meager meals as compensation” (Chacon). The reality of forced child slave labor on the Ivory Coast is an extremely pressing issue in our current society today, especially since over half of the world’s cocoa is produced there. More steps need to be taken; however to ensure the complete abolition of child slavery on cocoa farms in the Ivory Coast. Another labor intensive industry consisting of a large number of child slaves is the toy manufacturing industry in China. Today, it is estimated that over seventy-five percent of the world’s toys are produced in China. Key to this thriving under-market is a flagrant disregard for human rights, on the part of the Communist Chinese, who still permit the exploitation of slave labor. U.S. capitalists and consumers as well turn a blind eye to the human suffering and abuse involved in producing the under-market cheap goods flooding the American retail market from China. (Corsi) These slave-produced toys are sold to popular United States companies such as Disney, Mattel, Hasbro, McDonald’s, and Warner Brothers. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) describes the average Chinese toy producer to have an average age between 12 and 15 years, earn between 6 cents and 40 cents an hour, work an average of 19 hours a day during the busier periods of the year for 6 days a week, and are forced to work in unbearable working conditions. (Corsi) Although the demand of cheap labor in China is a major stimulus to their economy, the Chinese government has taken action towards breaking up labor rings which mainly utilize the work of forced child slave labor. In “The New York Times,” David Barboza reports the efforts of the Chinese government in breaking up “a child labor ring that forced children from poor, inland areas to work in booming coastal cities, acknowledging that severe labor abuses extended into the heart of its export economy” (Barboza). Factories such as this in the town of Dongguan, China – one of the countries largest manufacturing centers for consumer goods around the world – which supply products such as toys and electronics to companies like Wal-Mart have recently been subjects of child slave labor inspections. However, suppliers will do whatever necessary to provide false information of fair wages and sufficient working conditions in order to avoid being shut down because of infringing on child slave labor laws. (Barboza) From this, it is evident that even stronger labor rules should be enforced by companies that receive products from factories in China and more scrupulous mandatory inspections should be made. In conclusion, one can find that child slave labor is not an issue of the past; however it is an increasingly pressing issue in the modern day society of our world. The rights due to every human are being infringed upon in many countries across the world so that companies can manufacture their product for the cheapest price possible. The cruel and unjust reality of child slave labor can be seen in various industries which are producers of goods that are sold in stores across the United States including the clothing industry, the cocoa harvesting agricultural industry as well as the toy manufacturing industry. Although many steps have already been taken to not only improve the working conditions and labor laws for children in these industries, but also to rescue abducted children who were forced into labor; much more still needs to be done in order to ensure that every product sold by companies in the United States is not produced by the hands of an innocent child slave laborer.

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