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Showing posts with label Assange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Assange. Show all posts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Siamo cambiati o siamo ancora il paese di "frate Mitra" ?

Noto come il Sistema della protesta arriva con ritardo di anni ad interessarsi di Assange e solo dopo avere avuto la garanzia di non compromettersi politicamente e socialmente perche ormai "lo ha detto la televisione". Yes da tempo non si trova piu gente con la "C". 
Da anni i provider italiani hanno metodicamente bloccato gli accessi ai siti di Wiki Leaks falsificando i puntamenti ai DNS e dando l'impressione che opporsi a chi vuole arrostire sulla sedia elettrica Assange, disubbidire al sistema globale, sia cosa disdicevole, da "hacker", di cui vergognarsi.  Lo stesso sistema da anni sta disinteressandosi dei movimenti che si oppongono al sistema finanziario globale e l'esistenza in Italia di Occupy è praticamente zero cosi come l'interesse per la democrazia elettronica che il sistema dei partiti ha sbrigativamente classificato come la morte della democrazia. 
Piu comodo e piu facile essere tra la folla e sparare inutili insulti a Monti e al suo governo che suonano sempre più spesso "guidati". Siamo cambiati o siamo ancora il paese di "frate Mitra" ?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

WikiLeaks News

WikiLeaks News:
  • Coverage of surveillance network TrapWire, revealed in WikiLeaks' GI Files, continues to make headlines:
  • WikiLeaks published new GI Files on narcotrafficking and conspiracy in the Colombian military, France and the Ivory Coast, and further emails on TrapWire.
  • The New York Times published an article on the FinFisher/FinSpy program which was covered extensively in WikiLeaks' Spy Files.
  • RT gave insight into U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney's VP choice Paul Ryan, using information from WikiLeaks cables.

Julian Assange News:
  • Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa appeared on ECTV last evening, saying he hoped to have the decision on Julian Assange's asylum bid this week.
    • Mr Assange described his asylum application as "a long process that's involved much work". He said he had "no idea" of the outcome, but he's "hopeful there will be a positive decision."
    • The Guardian reported that Ecuador had granted Julian Assange asylum, a claim which later turned out to be false. President Correa respondedsaying that it was a false rumor and a decision has yet to  be made. WikiLeaks spokesman Kristinn Hrafnsson also commented, "I just spoke to him (Assange) and he said he had not been notified either."
  • Members of the Swedish Cabinet unlawfully attacked Julian Assange, calling him "sick", "a brute", and "a coward". This means that Swedish Prime Minister Rienfeldt, Foreign Minister Bildt, and Justice Ministers Ask and Hagglund have now all acted unlawfully in Mr Assange's case.
  • American Free Press interviewed Julian Assange's U.S. lawyer Michael Ratner about likely U.S. prosecution of his client, the WikiLeaks Grand Jury, and Mr Assange's asylum bid.
  • Julian Assange's lawyer Baltasar Garzón was interviewed about why he chose to work on Mr Assange's case, saying he believes "in his innocence and his cause". 
  •  Baltasar Garzón will be visiting Australia in a few weeks to lobby the Government.
  • "Underground", a movie on young Julian Assange will be premiering at the Toronto International Film Festive. WikiLeaks tweeted out the article, but commented, "This is not an endorsement, we haven't seen it."

 Bradley Manning News:
  • A police mugshot of Kenneth Bradley Manning of Portland, Oregon has been falsely used as a photo of PFC Bradley Manning. The Bradley Manning Support Networkasks that if people see the photos being used, to please ask for a correction.
  • Courthouse News Service reported on the unprecedented abuse Bradley Manning faced at Quantico. Oral arguments from PFC Manning's defence are postponed until the October 1-5 hearings, but Quantico witnesses will be hearing during the August 27-31 hearings.

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