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Showing posts with label Linkedin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linkedin. Show all posts

Friday, June 8, 2012

Warning : Fake post on Linkedin ask your password not do it

This post around on Linkedin  :
"6.5 million encrypted LinkedIn passwords have leaked: Change Your LinkedIn Password Right Now!
6.5 million encrypted LinkedIn passwords have leaked: Change Your LinkedIn Password Right Now!
Change Your LinkedIn Password Right Now!
6.5 million encrypted LinkedIn passwords have leaked, reports Norwegian IT site Dagens IT (found via The Next Web).
 [link removed]
10 hours ago"
Following this post you will be in this website:
[link removed]
We have some bad news. 6.5 million LinkedIn passwords (unsalted SHA-1 hashes) were allegedly leaked, and many of those have already been cracked. (See Chris's post for more info.) Some of us were victims, and we want to help you find out if you are a victim, too.

Just provide your password (which we hash with JavaScript; view source to verify) or a SHA-1 hash of your password below, and we'll check."

This is a secure site to check your password

LinkedIn was hacked, confirmed by LinkedIn on 6/6/2012

LinkedIn has updated their blog indicating that there was a breach, and several LastPass staff members who used unique passwords for LinkedIn only, as well as numerous individuals not associated with LastPass, have confirmed that LinkedIn's database has indeed been hacked. 
If you have a LinkedIn account, we strongly suggest that you immediately:

Wait a Minute, Why Is This Tool Safe?

You already changed your password right? You no longer use that old password anywhere else right? If not please make sure you do that first. The above tool asks you to enter your LinkedIn password, and then computes its SHA-1 hash and sends the result to to search the list of 6.5 million leaked password hashes. A hash is a mathematical function that is simple to perform in one direction, but very difficult to reverse. Meaning, the tool will convert your password into a series of characters in such a way that it will be very difficult to re-construct your original password. 

Only the hash of your password will be sent to's servers, not your actual password. This hash will not be stored or logged at all. Please view source the page if you're technically inclined. 

Note that if you used a simple password, such as one based on dictionary words, then it might be possible to reconstruct your original password. This is what all of the concern is about: the hashes of simple passwords can be easily reconstructed to reveal the original actual password. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

LinkedIn Jobs è illegale secondo le leggi Italiane?

Leggi certe uguali per tutti permettono un affidabile sistema del lavoro ed eliminano le mafie.

La legge 30 del 2003 e il relativo DL 10/11/2003,n.276  hanno posto seri vincoli alla attivita di chiunque faccia intermediazione nel campo del lavoro o soltanto pubblichi informazioni riguardanti il lavoro che è severamente vietato con sanzioni fino a 7.500 Euro e pene detentive. Ma LinkedIn ha nella integrato nella sua piattaforma un sistema per il mercato del lavoro che sembra violare la legge Italiana. 
Anche le condizioni generali dicono:  
Scope and Intent.  You agree that by registering on LinkedIn, or by using the our website, including our mobile applications, developer platform, premium services, or other information provided as part of the LinkedIn services (collectively “LinkedIn” or the “Services”), you are entering into a legally binding agreement with LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, California 94043, USA if you reside in the United States, and with LinkedIn Ireland Limited, 77 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland, if you reside outside the United States (“we,” “us,” “our,” and “LinkedIn”) based on the terms of this LinkedIn User Agreement and the LinkedIn Privacy Policy, which is hereby incorporated by reference (collectively referred to as the “Agreement”) and become a LinkedIn user (“User”).    

Questo dovrebbe significare che una legge USA ha prevalenza su qualsiasi altra legge compresa quella italiana.  Ma questo è in contrasto credo con la legge Italiana per esempio per il trasferimento dei dati in USA.
Facebook sembra avere un termine di fornitura simile tranne per questa clausola:

18.10 You will comply with all applicable laws when using or accessing Facebook.
Che sembra aprire le porte alle leggi locali.  

Solo per i Tedeschi è previsto un trattamento diverso:

Certain specific terms that apply only for German users are available here.
Last revision: 21 December 2009 For users residing in Germany:   First Section 2 applies with the proviso that our use of such content to use on or in connection with Facebook is limited. second Section 15.1 is replaced by: This statement is subject to German law. third Clause 15.3 is replaced by: We are only liable as follows: We assume unlimited liability under the statutory provisions (i) for damages arising from injury to life, limb or health, (ii) intent, (iii) gross negligence; and (iv) under the Product Liability Act. Without limiting the foregoing, it will be liable for ordinary negligence only in the event of a breach of an "essential" obligation under this contract. "Essential" duties in this sense are obligations that are necessary for the fulfillment of the contract, the breach of which make achievement of the purpose in question would be, and the compliance you must therefore rely on a regular basis. In these cases, liability is limited to typical and foreseeable damages, in other cases, there is no liability for ordinary negligence

Saturday, March 24, 2012

le TRE I delle discussioni LinkedIn in Italiano : Interminabili, inconcludenti, Interessate

Molte discussioni hanno le caratteristiche dell'adescamento, espongono un argomento civetta e poi cercano di portare a concludere un "affare". Protagonismo, narcisismo, rendono impossibile avere una discussione matura che proceda verso un obiettivo concreto a termine.
Personaggi equivoci legati al sottobosco politico compaiono a comando. False identica sono usate per dare peso ad una discussione od un gruppo utlizzando l'aura di prestigio di manager di grandi aziende che mai intervengono o esprimono una opinione. La macchina della corruzione ha  infestato una consistente aliquota di tutto il Linkedin Italiano decretando il successo o il fallimento di Gruppi o discussioni.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gruppo Linkedin noMoreLies, basta bugie!

Per aderire cliccare :  noMoreLies LinkedIn Group

Smettere di mentire si puo fare in un attimo ed è gratis. Basta menzogne sulla crisi, sulle cause, sulle ingiustizie, sulla corruzione e sui corrotti.

In un articolo di molti anni fa Montanelli definì gli Italiani un popolo sotto tutela. Agli italiani viene costantemente negato per ragioni apparentemente di grande valore morale di conoscere la verita su loro stessi, la loro storia, la loro economia, il futuro.
Credo che non possiamo piu permetterci di demandare a nessuno la funzione di decidere su quale verita dobbiamo conoscere.

Stop lying you can do in a moment and it's free. That's enough to lie on the crisis, the causes, injustices, corruption and corrupt.

In an article many years ago the italian journalist Montanelli define  the Italians  "a people under tutelage".
To the Italians is  denied  to know  continually, for reasons apparently of great moral value, the truth about themselves, their history, their economy, the future.
I believe that we can not afford to delegate to any person, institution or political function to decide on what we need to know.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I problemi di Linked IN

Is LinkedIn in trouble? Here the live link

Una nuova bolla sta per scoppiare? perchè il moltiplicarsi dei problemi tecnici ?
seguite in diretta decine di osservazioni in proposito aggiornate live.

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